Not easy to make decision, easier to do nothing?

I have forgotten how many times I asked myself, ‘is this property really worth buying?’ Milan Doshi asked his Facebook friends about the greater fear between the “The Fear of Losing Money” versus the “The Fear of Missing an Opportunity to Make Money.” Many of his friends replied and majority opted for the number two, the fear of missing an opportunity to make money. I believe majority of his friends are already a property investor. The reason is because I think majority of everyone in the world today would answer the former; the fear of losing money. This is a much easier decision to make and it’s also the same as doing nothing.
Property investment is not rosy all the time. Read here:   Property investment: It’s not always rosy. Most of the time, we would normally hear what we wanted to hear. For example, those who fear in investing into something so expensive would invariably surround themselves with lots of horror stories about property investment. For those who have decided to invest instead of following, they would definitely be reading and surrounding themselves with like-minded individuals. The final group of individuals may just be that group which believes earning profits is extremely easy and thus expose themselves to either sudden huge losses or wins. Read here: Cheating you easily, when you are greedy 
I have found out from many friends that the worst is always to be honest with ourselves. For the employees, it is always the company paying them too little but actually, if they are good enough why not join a company which will pay them better salaries? For the fresh graduates, it is such a shame to be seen driving a Proton and they would rather somehow scrape through every month just to drive that entry level Japanese marque. For the potential property investors, it’s a never ending search for the ‘perfect’ property. They want to know what’s the best value? Read here: Waiting for lowest price before buying the perfect property  Think again seriously about Milan’s question. Is it ‘The Fear of Losing Money’ or “The Fear of Missing an Opportunity to Make Money.” Then, answer it honestly. I think it will affect our future. Happy deciding.
written on 25 Oct 2015
Next suggested article: Well meant advice or it’s just tough to get that perfect property?


  1. Dave Chan avatar
    Dave Chan

    Hi Sir
    Thanks for information and update. You are right and agreed with your views. Property consultant will encourage investor or home stayer to buy . But a word of caution,buy at your own risk with prudent calculations.Sometimes by nature,buyers tends to follow the crowd and regret later. Always stay sideline and mornitor the market closely.
    David Chan

    1. Wise words Dave. Yes, caution is right approach. As for final decision, just b objective. Following without knowing is just gambling…..

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