Suddenly, I saw many people questioning the announcement for more relaxation by PM yesterday. Here’s that article.
“Why allow fully vaccinated people the dine-in flexibility? This will cause more infections.”
By the way, they are right. Any country in the world which had relaxed their SOPs for Covid-19 has faced an increase in number of people infected with Covid-19. Malaysia is not going to be any different. The reason is a simple one. None of the brands including that one which Malaysians love to debate and say that Particular brand is better can stop infections from Delta effectively.
However, what’s different is that if our vaccinations are high enough, in this case 70% full vaccinations or higher, then those number of cases do not translate into hospitalisations, ICU and deaths in tandem. Just look at the below for a very clear idea of how things would become.
Russia has 23,000 new cases, new deaths are 787. France has almost the same, it’s deaths number is 30. UK has over 27,000 new cases and its total deaths are 39. Indonesia has slightly more at 26,000 and its deaths are 1,498. Russia is at 19% fully vaccinated while the UK is very close to 60%. France is at 50% and Indonesia is at 8.7%. All numbers come from (click here)
This is why it’s BEST to push our vaccinations towards that magical number of 70% as soon as possible.

Coming back to rights or who is right
Just as everyone has a right NOT to get vaccinated because of their own beliefs, those people who has been vaccinated also have their right NOT to dine-in with all these unvaccinated people. Just as people can have the right NOT to go dine-in and prefers to get delivery, it is also the right of fully vaccinated people to dine-in versus buying online.
Despite all the proofs from advanced nations with high vaccination numbers, I do not wish to debate on who is right. I just need to make it clear again that everyone has their rights. Please stop infringing on my right just because you have the right not to get vaccinated.
By the way, I do not believe there are companies who would reopen their offices and allow unvaccinated people to come to office and mix with all the vaccinated staffs. If I am the boss, I will ask the unvaccinated to work from home (if they are key staffs) or I will take steps to rely less on unvaccinated staffs.
As the boss, it is my right to ensure my business continues to do well so that I can also pay my all my staffs, whether or not they are vaccinated. So, I am not going to jeopardise the future of my company. Simple right, right?
By the way, dine-in is only allowed from Phase 2 of the National Recovery Onwards, so Selangor and KL people, stay home. It’s not yet happening. Image as below for reference.

Till then, remember, all of us must respect other people’s right as well. It’s not just the ones who are shouting loudest that have all the rights to do anything they like. Cheers.
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