Enjoy! 8 very nice CNY videos for 2022

Enjoy! 8 very nice CNY videos for 2022

Last year, I published this article. “8 very nice CNY videos for 2021” (click to view them) So, this year, have to go find the videos I saw online / in FB / forwarded by friends etc and just put it at the same place for everyone to enjoy. All the videos are in no particular order yeah. So feel free to rank them based on how you love them and do forward this article to everyone you know so that they can enjoy too.

#1 – Cannot run away from this familiar tune by Watsons lah.

#2 RHB’s video is meaningful and carries a noble message too.

#3 Gamuda Land’s video is also very meaningful and emotional too.

#4 – Yes, I like this Julie’s because of their earlier video about their new branding

#5 – A Malaysian themed video. From Mr. DIY.

#6 This one’s from that super famous cooking oil yeah. KNIFE cooking oil. Meaningful video.

#7 Okay, the main star is an old friend but this is still a meaningful video to remind us that we must stay safe for our loved ones. From Eu Yan Sang.

#8 When different generations have different views, just need to remember to always be grateful! Lovely video about the best hairstylist EVER. Haha. By McDonald’s.

If there are videos which you love but is not here, do let us know. Probably we can add in too so that good videos can be enjoyed by everyone.

Wishing everyone who’s travelling to drive / travel safely. Precautions are necessary. Chinese New Year is supposed to be a happy event. Stay safe for all your loved ones yeah.

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Header Image by hartono subagio from Pixabay


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