First of all, I receive no fee for publishing these CNY 2021 videos yeah. I watched them, I like them and it made me smile gratefully, some made me feel the emotion of not being able to go home and some just made me feel positive and thus, I am now putting all 8 of them within the same place for all to watch. There’s no need to go to 8 different places to watch them. In no particular order, all the CNY 2021 videos as follow. Xin Nian Kuai Le! (Happy CNY to all)
Things will surely get better if we are together
Staying positive and doing our small part would eventually become a huge contribution.
Just smile and laugh. A story of Nien…
Distance is NOT the main issue. The feeling comes from the heart.
Songs and laughter friendship forever!
A family is always the strongest support we would ever have
It’s that perseverance which counts tremendously in anything we want to do or believe in
Haha. Nice Medley to sing along.
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Next suggested article: Gong Xi Fa Cai and Happy Holidays to all
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