Buy house, get wife? Deal is done!

Remember earlier reports about a woman offering her house for sale and said that if the offer is right, the price would include her as well? Read here: Buy property, get wife free. It has been reported in that the woman’s offer of both the house and herself has been ‘sold.’ The woman, Wina Lia said, “His name is Redi Eko.” “He is also looking for a wife.” She told Kompas daily. The man, Redi is also a single parent and when he learnt of the deal, he decided to sell his house in Lampung (in Sumatra) and will use the money to buy her house.
The asking price for Wina’s house is S$76,500. It is a two-bedroom, two-bathroom house, which comes with a fish pond and spacious backyard. The home is in Yogyakarta. Red said that he will be moving to Yogyakarta to be closer with his children who happen to be studying in a university there. he did say this to Kompas too, “Whether with Wina or somebody else, I will still live in Yogya.”
Okay, as per reported, both of them have yet to meet one another but they have been speaking on the phone as well as exchange messages daily. Next up would be to go on Umrah (minor pilgrimage to Mecca) soon. If everything goes well, they would be getting married in the next month, according to Wina.
Sometimes things just happen because we try to make them happen. Instead of staying single and have a financial problem unsolved, the woman managed to solve both problems with one solution; property. Now, this gives everyone another reason to buy property. Who knows when you may need to offer it for sale in the future, together with the owner? Alternatively, when you view any property and you happen to know that the owner is single, your offer can always be for a buy one, get another too. Agree? Happy ‘buying’ or ‘offering.’
written on 20 May 2015
Next suggested article: Well meant advice or it’s just tough to get a perfect property?


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