Would you buy a haunted house?

I would not. Watched many haunted movies and does not like the feeling of being in one.

Okay, I would not. Then again I learnt long time ago from my real estate friend that there are people willing to buy a haunted home, as long as it comes with a hefty discount. I repeat, I still would not. Haha. However, frankly speaking, if someone is able to buy a haunted house at a super heavy discount, then ‘clean’ it up, then maybe it’s possible to sell for profit? Else, perhaps buy, ‘clean’ and then use for own stay?

Different religion and you will be okay??!!

My friend also said that as long as different religion, the ghost may not disturb you. Here’s one which is definitely a haunted home and not just some rumours. The price is RM4.4 million and any buyer who buys it may want to tear down the current building and build a new one? Not so sure if there are that many rich people who like to buy a haunted home, just renovate it and then stay there…

Article in says.com It’s a 18,694 sq ft building. It’s known as the SG house. There’s a tragic story behind this home. A businessman bought the home and was always not at home. One day his wife found out that he was having an affair. His wife went to find that lady, murdered her and hung her head in front of the house. The businessman came home, saw the head and had a heart attack and died. His wife later committed suicide. Please fo read the full article here: Article in says.com

Meanwhile the auction notice as below:

Image from Selangor Auction Property (Facebook)

Image via Selangor Auction Property (Facebook)

More article to read on haunted homes and the discounts?

Would you dare to buy a haunted house with 40% discount? Here’s that article in propertyguru.com.my

Reading about Haunted Homes in Hong Kong. This is the website. Meanwhile, image below:

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Next suggested article: It’s not an investment if we know nothing about it

Header image by https://www.pexels.com/photo/halloween-decors-on-gray-background-5635092/


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