Biggest Prosperity Dragon tunnel in Malaysia is ready for visit

Another attraction in Johor which I would definitely be dropping by in my next visit. Auspicious one nonetheless. There is now a 106.9m-long dragon tunnel, dubbed the Prosperity Dragon in Yong Peng. It was launched by Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar. Total construction cost was RM8 million and it took 3 years to build. The interior is adorned with Chinese cultural and religious paintings. It’s built on more than a hectare of the Green Garden of Che Ann Khor Yong Peng Association grounds in Tama Kota Impian here. Full article in The Star here. It’s air-conditioned and visitors have to pay a minimal fee to view the paintings inside.
According to Johor’s State Tourism Committee chairman Datuk Tee Siew Kiong, this new attraction would attract more tourists and boost the state’s economy. He shared, “This dragon is a symbol of prosperity for Johor and I hope Green Garden will become an iconic destination. The 24 paintings portray the teachings of the Buddha on honouring and obeying parents and another 18 paintings depict the afterlife. Everything about this structure is related to the number nine, which represents prosperity and luck for the Chinese community. Inside, there are 108 stairs and the length of the dragon is 315ft. Both figures add up to the number nine.”
thestarAs I have stated, I would definitely be visiting it. However, I would not be travelling into Johor just to visit one structure. It would be good if the state can link a few similar attractions into a 2 days one night kind of tour. Just target the nearest ‘foreigners’ lah. Then, it would really help to bring in more visitors as well as to drive the tourism ringgit. Of course, as they say, the more the merrier. Thus I think this new DRAGON should become an iconic one in time to come. This is especially after more photos of it is shown in the Facebook of visitors. Yes, this is the more important point I would like to bring out. WHY is this not yet widely shown in the Facebook of my Johor friends? Happy visiting.
written on 15 Nov 2016
Next suggested article:   Who says don’t buy Johor’s property market? You should buy!


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