
Bigger homes, better environment definitely

Bigger homes, better environment definitely

What is the minimum size for a home which you can accept here in Malaysia?

I have asked this question during many of my talks. “What is the minimum size for a home which you will feel comfortable with?” The answers have yet to be 450 sq ft and below. It’s 450 sq ft or higher. I do think for Malaysians, we would always be able to find such space in our homes except if we only want to stay in certain engihbourhoods.

For example, places where the view is amazing… usually, these are super limited and thus demand outstrips supply and prices would be grossly expensive. I won’t say overpriced because demand is really strong simply because of the demand and supply equation. However, I am not those who would pay such a premium for such views. I amjust not home long enough to sit down and take in the view every day. Haha.

What if your current 200-300 sq ft home becomes a 700 sq ft home and it’s free?

If our home is 200-300 sq ft today, would we be happy if we are given a 700 sq ft home instead? Of course, we have to give up that 200-300 sq ft home. I would be, certainly. Furthermore, this unit exchange is free! Do read about this wonderful news in the below article:

Article in State Local Government, Housing Development and Town and Country Planning Committee chairman, Jagdeep Singh Deo said, “The Penang State Housing Board (LPNPP) has launched the Penang Affordable Homes (RMMPg) agenda which consists of the development of Affordable Homes (RMM) and the urban renewal project.”

“At this stage, Penang has a master plan in which we have identified 14 projects that will be implemented by LPNPP, consisting of nine RMM projects and five URC projects on the island.

Commenting further, Jagdeep said that through the renewal project, each existing owner in the Padang Temak Flat will be given a free house unit with an area of ​​750 square feet. Do read the article in full here: Article in

Urban Renewal will continue to happen

If we drive around Penang, we would notice that some areas have homes which are in dilapidated state. When the environment of the home looks bad, the mental health cannot be great. However, most of these home owners have been staying there for a very long time and they would not want to move to somewhere bigger which is far from where they are comfortable with today. Thus, the only option is for an urban renewal project.

Make their current home become a better home. There has to be some benefits to the party undertaking this project yeah. Else, no one would want to take this up except the government. As for the government, they would have to prioritise because they cannot just do for one area and forget about the other areas.

If Singapore is used as an example, their older homes are usually redeveloped into new, bigger and with better environment homes BUT the density is higher by building it higher. Frankly, this is okay because most Singaporeans do not drive or own a car anyway. For Malaysia, this has to be part of the plan too. Else, cars will be parked haphazardly all over the area yeah. Need to think ahead before it happens.

I do hope to read more of these good news. Planning is however one thing but making it happen as quickly as possible is another thing.

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