Better phone vs too many other stuffs

oppof1sI was really contemplating on the new OPPO F1s. My wife bought one just last month and has been enjoying it a lot. For me, it would be an upgrade since the current one has served me for past three years. Three main reasons? Better camera, bigger screen and to be on par with richer friends. The third reason is just for fun because my friends love me for who I am instead of the phone, I believe. img-20161013-wa0024.jpgBetter camera is needed because when I take photos with my wife’s new phone, my current Find 5 mini looks bad. Haha. Bigger screen is good because I have written a few articles using my current OPPO and it’s tough. Older means ever harder to concentrate on a small screen. Haha. So, what’s the final decision? I decided to spend the RM1,100 on something else BUT I did buy a NEW plastic cover to cover up my current OPPO. I spent RM29. Now I have a “new” phone! (Image of the cover) My wife said the cover looks nice. My colleague said it made me look trendy. I am happy.
I think I will still spend the RM1,100 plus though. Perhaps on a medical check up to get to know how my body is doing. These days, medical check up is expensive and yet not doing may mean that we do not take enough precautions before it’s too late. I am no longer that young.
Come to think of it, this RM1,100 could even be sufficient for a Langkawi short trip for my whole family of four pax! Flights – RM400. Hotels for two nights – RM400, Car Rental x 3 days for RM200 and I still have RM100 for meals. Haha. Okay, perhaps I need more than RM1,100 but if I spend it like this meant the whole family benefits. More happy times with family is always a good thing.
I just remembered. My current tyres are already 50,000km old. Based on the thread condition, it should last till 60,000km but since I am carrying my family day in and day out, perhaps 4 new tyres would be safer. Yes, it’s about RM1,100. Once changed, this should last me the next 3 years.
Actually, there are a lot more reasons for the RM1,100 which I am saving currently. It’s always a choice between doing what’s needed first versus what’s wanted. Of course, if my phone got stolen tomorrow, I have no choice but to change it. So, if you see me holding a “new” phone, there’s no need to ask. You already know where the money intended for a new phone went to. Happy owning a new handphone though to those who’s different from me. We should celebrate diversity.
written on 13 Oct 2016
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