Updated. AZ registration opens 140 minutes later

If you like to know great things about AstraZeneca, MOST of UK people got jabbed with AZ. From the latest news, they are doing well and the economy has been reopened and this included even pubs and football matches have spectators back in stadiums.

AZ is also approved by World Health Organisation (WHO). From the last I heard, WHO does not simply approve any vaccine without sufficient data. The first batch of 280,000 AZ doses were fully taken up by fellow Malaysians in 3.5 hours. That included me and wife. I took the jab on 22nd May and my wife on 24th May. My experience and guidance for those going to vaccinations in WTC KL?

Read it here: AZ Jab. 84 hours later. Lucky. No side-effects thus far. No fever. No breathlessness. No tiredess. #astrazeneca #CucukMyAZ #mycovidvaccination https://kopiandproperty.my/staging/2021/05/22/my-astrazeneca-az-vaccination-experience/

Now for the good news. AZ Vaccines will be open again for those who are 18 years and above for appointment in 13.5 hours time. Image below yeah. I personally find using the notebook to register is faster than a smartphone.

In the first one, 280,000 doses were opened only for Selangor and KL. It was completely taken up in 3.5 hours. Tomorrow, there are probably close to 900,000 doses remaining from latest delivery. I am not sure if this number already deducted all those who registered earlier but were put in backup list. This time it is open to Selangor, KL, Penang, Johor, Sarawak. Let’s see what happens tomorrow. I wish everyone all the best. Happy registering.

AZ registration

This is the website to register tomorrow noon. https://www.vaksincovid.gov.my/

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