Today, let’s just run through two charts and one important statement yeah. It’s proven in all the countries with higher vaccinations than Malaysia and the good point is this, we are at the stage where the US was 2 months ago; 50% of adult populations with one dose vaccinations and by mid August, there’s a good chance we will exceed them for two dose vaccinations yeah. Of course as a Malaysian, I do hope so. Let’s do it!
First chart shows we are at 23.6% full vaccinations for adult populations yeah.

Second chart is about the total cumulative registrations for covid-19 vaccinations. This number really needs to be better and higher please. It’s only at 80% currently yeah. I am very sure we can hit 90% at least? Klang Valley is the key for the economy to restart strongly.

Third one is an important statement and really need to live with it. U.S. President said recently that it is now becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated. 99.2% of ALL Covid-19 deaths in the US for June 2021 were for patients who were not vaccinated. In Malaysia, as at 26th July, 92% of all Covid-19 infections were from unvaccinated Malaysians. What would happen when vaccinations really do hit that magical number of 100% with at least one dose? Let’s wait and see.
Article in Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said, “During diagnosis, 98.2 per cent cases were categorised as Category One and Two patients while the remaining 1.8 per cent cases ranged between Category Three and Five patients. He also said that 92 per cent of the infected individuals identified today were not vaccinated and urged more Malaysians to get themselves inoculated. Do read the full article here: Article in
All the best, go get vaccinated and do best to stay home just for a while more. We can have it under control. No, the number of new infections cannot suddenly drop. It’s Delta variant now. Thanks.
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