3 ways to vaccinate faster. The last one is really up to us.
This is why the focus must be three pronged. First one is to secure ENOUGH vaccines. This is not the time to wait… and do nothing. This is also NOT the time to play politics. If the vaccine is approved and it’s already being used by millions of people, then it’s a good vaccine. Period. Whether it’s from the US, from UK, from China, Russia or even in the future, Vietnam, wherever is okay. GET those stocks in as quickly as possible. Overbuy in this case is perfectly fine because late delivery is still a concern. Just look at how the European Union is in a court case with AztraZeneca because of late delivery.
Second is to ensure we are ready to jab, jab and jab. I think from all the stories thus far, the process to get that jab has been good thus far. Everyone has given thumbs up and even the ones who were taking the AstraZeneca vaccines too. As per what has been reported, if we have enough vaccines, the process of getting vaccination could also be ramped up to over 100,000 per day. That’s good to hear and even assuming we could do 50,000 per day, we could achieve the targeted 11 million people by end of 2021. Let’s do it!
Third is the MOST IMPORTANT yeah. As this is voluntary, we need the people to register, register and register. As for how far or how near are we from the targets, well, one picture tells everything. It’s not positive yeah.

Source: https://www.vaksincovid.gov.my/
All of us need to do something about it
The first two steps; procuring the vaccines and getting the centres ready we may not be able to do much. However, the 3rd one which is to get more and more people to register, this is something all of us could do. If we are a community leader, encourage the community to register. This is not the time to ‘choose’ vaccines or ‘choose’ whether to follow the current government which is not your choice or ‘choose’ to make the effort to vaccinate fail because we have certain beliefs about certain country which the vaccine came from.
Dear all, NONE of the vaccines we are speaking about is used for the first time. All of them have been used by tens of millions of people. Period. Potential risks? Versus…. getting infected and die from Covid-19? Better get vaccinated yeah. Remember… no vaccinations, no recovery in economy. No recovery in economy.. stop talking about buying a property. Or any other investments too.
Thanks for reading until there. Let’s do it within 2021.
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