Too many negative news and need some positive ones? Haha. Too many people are connecting COVID-19 to an economic depression? Potentially, they may just be right. However, there are a lot of good news that we should also read and understand too yeah. Let’s do more images for this article. All the image source quoted too for you to go ahead and read the full article too.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is back to work! Yes, he was infected with COVID-19, he spent nights in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) but he is now back to work. I am very sure he will take more precautions moving forward and has lots of new ideas from his own learning on how to better handle the COVID-19 issue. Read here for the full article in

Singapore’s number of COVID-19 infections are now 3rd highest in ASIA, losing only to China and India and we know what is their (China and India) population size. However, it must be seriously noted that the infection rate is almost all confined to dormitories of workers and that the infection among the citizens and PR has been low. In other words, the clusters are known and measures could be taken specifically to handle them. Deaths are also low because workers are young and healthy adult too. Please do read the full article in here.

Australia’s COVID-19 numbers are also under control and many states have started to loosen the current stricter distancing measures. Queensland will start to ease the stay-at-home order by end of this week. Family picnics, weekend drives and even national parks will reopen though residents will be asked to travel no further than 50 kilometres from their home. In Western Australia, the state has relaxed its restrictions and now picnics, boating, hiking, camping and group exercise are permitted again for Western Australians. In fact couples could now invite more for their wedding too. Please do read the full article in

There you have it, the three countries we most often talk about and all their latest happenings which I do want to see it from the positive angle. I am very sure you have read earlier about the U.S. thinking of reopening some states based on some guidelines? Here’s that earlier article. For China, please do feel free to browse for the news after their lockdowns have ended. In fact there are even that viral revenge buying news? Here’s the earlier article. Hopefully we can see that not everything is negative. Both Spain and Italy have also been showing a lower number of new infections too for this week. In the mean time, please do stay at home yeah. Our MCO is extended till 12th May 2020.
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Next suggested article: What you do at home during COVID-19 lockdown depends on your generation
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