At 9pm (9th July), just on my FB, I could see all the below FB LIVEs and all of them are property related. To some, this may seem like too many. To me, I think this tells us that everyone will continue to become ever more competitive with all these to capture as large an audience as possible. Topics would have to be interesting. The presenters better be interesting because anyone could just watch a while and switch to the next FB Live because there’s so many of them!
And… the best part is, all these are free information and knowledge which will allow us to learn and gain new perspectives as well as getting to know the why, where, when and how to invest versus long time ago when I bought my first home. At the time, there were NONE of these free talks. Fortunately I bought many books to guide me but today, as long as we really want, we could learn so many new things for free. Happy learning yeah. If you click on the video, you will be able to view the video. (no longer LIVE of course) Happy learning!

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