
Top 10 billionaires overall, women, tech, finance and more

Top 10 billionaires overall, women, tech, finance and more

Billionaires do not all need to become old…first

Gone are the days when billionaires are usually quite old by the time they become billionaires. The duration to become a billionaire has also become much shorter nowadays. The journey to become one has also changed tremendously. it does not need to be a profitable business. Sometimes, it’s just that idea and the vision that one day it will become a world beater. There are also no particular sectors and no longer limited to just a few countries as well.

It’s a small world after all

The world has indeed become very much smaller because people get to know about things in a matter of seconds and minutes and no longer days and weeks. In short, information is already available as and when people need them and most of the time, they do not even need to buy and pay for it. Below are all the richest people in the world across different categories.

Source: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/richest-people-in-the-world-2022/

Some facts about these billionaires and the world today

Info Source: visualcapitalist.com Today, the 10 richest people in the world control $1.3 trillion (RM5.47 trillion) in wealth.

This scale of wealth is equal to approximately 1.4% of the world economy, Amazon’s entire market cap, or spending $1 million a day for 3,000 years. In fact, it’s double the amount seen just two years ago ($663 billion).

As billionaire wealth accumulates at a remarkable speed, we feature a snapshot of the world’s richest in 2022, based on data from the Forbes Real-Time Billionaires List. Please do read for more details here: Info Source: visualcapitalist.com

Look at the business they are in and take actions

We can see Elon Musk is the richest man in the world and one major reason is because of Tesla. If we understand this, then we should know that Electric Vehicle (EV) will become dominant in the future versus petrol engine cars. It does not mean we must only invest into Tesla. It means that we could look at all the other EV players and understand about the potential of others too.

We can also see the number two Jeff Bezos and he’s into internet / online. Have we seen some similar businesses in some countries which are also showing a huge promise as well? Have we started to understand more of these online startups versus just usual traditional brick and mortar businesses? The more we understand how online businesses work, the easier for us to invest into one or even start one.

Of course, another easy way is just to invest into the businesses they are in. If we believe they will continue to become richer, it also meant that the businesses they helm would become more successful too. As usual, there are no certainties and circumstances do change yeah. So, invest based on what we could afford and not borrow excessively to ‘invest’ because the line between investing and speculating is a very thin one as well.

All the best

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Header Image by capital street fx from Pixabay


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