I believe Tasty, Happy and Charity can be achieved at the same time. I also believe readers of kopiandproperty.my are charitable and not just interested with property investment.
This is our chance to help, especially those who wants to order tart, brownie, cake or just a loaf of bread that rolls out from these bakers. This is not giving money away to charity and hope it helps someone. This is supporting a real business venture (bakery) so that some of the se special adults could also earn a living through their own efforts. Do take a look at the menu for a lot of these delicious bakes. They even deliver to your doorstep. Do not hesitate. Order or help to tell more people. They have no money for marketing and promotions but they have kind hearted people like us. Alternatively, just order and enjoy their hardwork. Here are simple ways to order.
Leisure Commerce Squire, Block A2, Level 1, Unit 126, Jalan PJS 8/9, 46150 Bandar Sunway
Whatsapp us at 019 242 0075 017 471 7273 or email us at bakewdignity@gmail.com
1) Visit our website at www.dignityandservices.org 2) Click ‘Bakery’
3) Order away
Their menu here: Menu with Price_for customer_20170911 (1)
More details about these brave bakers here: BWD flyer-Front-Back_Sweet Faces Mean Bakers_A4_Rv2 20170323 (1)

Thank you very much everyone.
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