Will you continue working past retirement? I guess the answer depends on whether we have enough to cater to our lifestyle. The lesser we spend, the lesser we need and the longer our savings could last us. Typical retirement age is probably between 56 – 60 years old today in Malaysia. This is on the low side because many ageing and aged countries have already increased their retirement age many years back. They realised they needed more people to continue working because there’s just not enough young people joining the workforce.

Let’s look at some facts. Article in themalaysianreserve.com World Bank Group representative to Malaysia and country manager Firas Raad said in a statement, “Malaysia has passed a crucial milestone in its development trajectory this year and has become an ageing society; defined per the international convention as having 7% or more of the population aged 65 and above.”
He shared that with rapid ageing, Malaysians would have to work longer. Our demographics have shifted to an era of low fertility and low mortality from a high fertility and high mortality previously. (Briefly, we have less baby and people live way longer than previously) He shared that only 45% of Malaysians between 55-64 are working while in South Korea, Japan and Thailand, more than 65% of persons aged 55 to 64 are active in the labour market. Do read more here: Article in themalaysianreserve.com
They say health is wealth. Could we maintain this past retirement? Well, it’s happening with the demographics shift in Malaysia. We are now living longer. However, are we also be coming healthier? An earlier article here for reading: Living longer and staying healthier. Malaysians lah
Three reminders for all of us. Living longer means we MUST be wealthier too. Else, how to support our life post-retirement yeah. If we are NOT wealthy enough, then be prepared to work LONGER. Else what to do once income stops? Lastly if we intend to work LONGER, then we need to stay healthy. Else, it’s not just inability to earn more salary post-retirement age but we will also be spending even more of our savings due to health issues.

Open our eyes, open our ears and share with more people whom we care for. These three will come into our life journey in the future. Working past retirement is going to happen. My suggestion is not to skip this and think it is still long time in the future. I still remember vividly the day I started working in Penang. It’s been 22 years since then. I still remember my daughter on the day I held her in the delivery room. Today, she’s 7 going to 8. Time waits for no one. Be prepared as per the Scout motto. Take care and have a good day ahead.
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