You may be thinking if REFINANCE is a good option. You have a home which you have already paid for many years and now you saw a window of opportunity to invest. However, you need more cash. There are definitely many options to raise that cash. You may want to reduce your monthly mortgage. You may even want to finish paying earlier! Today, we talk about one of those options; refinancing.
To help us in our understanding of this topic, my guest of honour is Miichael Yeoh who has over 20 years of experience in the financial world. From working for many different banks till setting up his own firm and today having the flexibility of working from home, he continues to build on his experience. At the same time, he is invited to provide his views in many real estate events and I have had the honour of speaking on the same stage with him a few times.
Details for the KopiTalk #3 is as follows: Why Refinance? Good, Bad and Ugly.
Date: 17th June 2020 @ 9pm Send us your questions in advance as well, Miichael will answer them! (click here to submit)

See you yeah. Cheers.
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