When everything we want to buy seems so easy; monthly.

Luxury is easy. Just pay for it SLOWLY. Wow, no wonder everyone is thinking about renting a property instead of buying one. There is just no way that they would have enough since even when they buy a watch, they could pay for it slowly. A good friend asked me the other day about getting a new watch for her husband for his birthday. Her husband has been wearing the same Casio for for nearly as long as I have known him, probably 10 years? She said she wanted to get him a TAG Heuer. If you do not know how to pronounce, then here’s the link.  I asked if she knows the typical price of TAG Heuer. She said she was at the shop now and the model that wants to get based on her husband’s taste is around RM8k plus. She then shared that the shop assistant told her not to worry too much because the shop has instalment plans for any model in the shop. Isn’t this a great thing to have? Instalment plans to make a birthday gift seem ‘affordable.’ Make your partner happy!!  Haha…
There are many things in our lives that we would most probably be paying by monthly instalment. Property, for example. A car would be another one. I think of property as compulsory and I think of car as a necessity even if one were to work in KL and has access the the LRT or the MRT. Seriously, I am not so sure if too many girls would be okay to start a relationship with a guy who kept asking her to take GRAB and meet him for a movie or dinner or a date. I asked my wife and she laughed. She said,  ‘WHY NOT?’ Then, she said, ‘but if there are other choices, of course it’s best that the guy picks me up lah. It’s not that romantic if she has to go to the venue of the date by herself and go home by herself…  I think I agree with her too.  However, beyond these two items; property and car, I do believe that everything else should be just based on affordability based on one time payment? Haha. I know, perhaps I am just a conservative guy, financially.
Materialism is considered a huge problem actually. Oh yeah, this is what the Cambridge dictionary says about the meaning of materialism: ‘the belief that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life.’  Due to this, many may not have enough to face a potential financial crisis. In an article in money.cnn.com, these are some sobering facts about Americans in general. If Americans are faced with a sudden and unplanned US$1,000 expense, ONLY 39 percent could pay for it by themselves. (Yes, they earn their salaries in US$ and not RM) 20 percent of them would use their credit card to pay for this US$1,000. What about us? Are we able to survive a sudden RM1,000 expense without the need to use our credit card? Here, we have this.  Not enough if just EPF  It’s extremely important to save today because we may need it tomorrow. By the way, that new handphone can wait but the property prices? Well, it’s still rising today.
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written on 4 March 2018
Next suggested article: Savings is the base, we need a strong one


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