Working hard for money, resting enough to continue on. Nice.

HK Convention Centre

I was on a flight to Hong Kong a few days ago. T8 (typhoon) was declared and it has been raining ever since until today. Take a look at the image. Back to my flight. As I was reading the magazine on board, I heard an interesting conversation. On my left, a gentleman was speaking non-stop to his friend who was a great listener. He was sharing about all his business deals and that every year, he works just 9 months. He needed to rest for three months because its too tiring to work the whole year. He was sharing how most business deals are due to relationship building. When people like you, they buy from you. Else they buy from others. His friend nodded in agreement. He was also sharing that with his friend that with his profits, he could go for vacations and relax for three months but the most important thing was that he could save enough for a new property every few years. I have no idea if he was able to pay in full for a new property every few years or if it’s only enough for downpayment for a new property. Of course I would not dare to stand up and ask him. Haha. However, I think it’s important for all of us to realise that this ‘businessman’ understands that money is about maximising what we have and life is about actually living it.
Working just 9 months per year and resting for 3 months sounds like he was in some sort of business which may be seasonal in nature. However, this is great and I would love it if my job can pay me for 12 months but I work just 9 months every year! What he shared with his friend is something ALL OF US should take note of. I already have many friends who work very hard, so hard that they now have high blood pressure. One just told me that she was very tired yesterday evening but she only slept at 1am! The concept is this. The company will NOT collapse if you do not work until midnight. However, we will collapse if we fail to get enough rest after many days of working. A Hong Kong taxi driver told me that when he first got a taxi license, he wanted to pay for it as fast as he could and he was driving 18 hours everyday! One day, he crashed the car because he was just too tired. He realised that the priority would have to be his health too and not just money because he might have been killed. Let’s learn from all these people. Work hard, sure! Rest is however needed. Of course, it does not need to be 3 months lah……
He is also investing his hard earned money. He said it’s a very tiring job. I still wonder what’s the business that he was doing. He was buying a property probably because he believed in the long term nature of property investment. Capital appreciation does not happen overnight but when we stretch it longer, the prices has always been going up. Just using the same inflation rate percentage would already mean the property is already helping us to hedge against losing the value of our money. RM500,000 property increasing just 2% per year? That’s already RM10,000 per year. Simple calculation means 10 years later it will be RM100,000. Regardless of inflation, RM100,000 is NOT a small number. I wish him all the best. Earning enough money for reinvestment plus enough rest is certainly a dream to many. Happy working hard everyone, including me.
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written on 14 June 2017
Next suggested article: Why 10 percent is a significant number for me 


  1. HK convention centre look like very messy place n all cramp down to 1 place. I wish I can travel to there too.
    Working hard is good but if the job we work did not pay OT, now that is problem.when we rest 1 day, sure got cut when payday. I work from 9am-6pm, but sometime need to do until 9pm.what a crazy job.

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