KL – SG High Speed Rail, still many things to talk.

Reported in many media today. I think it’s pretty official now that the High Speed Rail between Kuala Lumpur – Singapore will definitely be ready only in 2022, earliest. According to Land Public Transport Commission’s chief development officer Prodyut Dutt, details for contracts for the construction would be known in two years. This takes into account the five years development timeline and an targeted completion date of 2022. Please do not use this as major reason to buy Iskandar. The game changer is definitely whether all the promised investments in Iskandar happens or even more links between both sides.
I personally do not see HSR having much effects or even be used as a primary reason yet until everything is finalised, tender is called, awarded and construction starts. Let’s be very real and objective about this. The road to that day is still very long away. There are many things which can derail this rail project. Also, success in Iskandar depends on many other factors including how successful Singapore is in growing its economy too.
In fact the hardest part which is HOW the costs would be shared has yet to be finalised. I seriously do not think the costs should be based on the length of the land that it was built. If this is the case, better not do it. Some are arguing that Singapore would get more benefit but I think both sides would benefit. This is especially because the number of Singaporeans or residents in Singapore may now treat Kuala Lumpur like just another short trip. It can be every weekend!
Dutt said, “Our preliminary studies show that the returns are positive. If you look at the experiences abroad where there is HSR, whether it is China, Japan or France, you will find that the benefits would not just be in the terminus cities, but also the cities in between, as it helps to regenerate those in between as well.” I would like to say that I like the HSR project and hope that it would come to fruition. Closer integration between both countries which are considered small in terms of population but currently leading in ASEAN must continue. Happy deciding and building!
written on 3 Sept 2015
Next suggested article: Yes, if LINKS are provided, I think Iskandar is okay


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