As usual, most of the awesome online medias love negative news. Thus, when there’s a positive news for the country in the world arena, it was somehow, missed by many. Haha. Please google IMD and you would find huge number of articles related to them. Financial Times, one of those extremely famous ranking charts ranked them top 12 in the world. Forbes ranked them top MBA of the world in 2013. IMD is based in Switzerland. For those who is still asking about IMD, it’s okay, just forget this tiny article in the online space and go to the next one. I am still going to write this even if my degree was not done in Malaysia.
IMD has released it’s first annual World Talent Report. It includes the 60 countries that are currently ranked in the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook. Unless IMD announces some mistakes in calculations etc, Malaysia is ranked top 5 in the world. Yes, this is a real ranking and Malaysia is ahead of countries with top universities like Singapore, Ireland, UK, America, Canada etc. You may refer to the full ranking here: This ranking assesses a country’s ability to develop, attract and retain talent for companies that operate there. Three key factors are evaluated:
1. Investment and development in home-grown talent, reflecting a country’s public investment in education and the quality of its education system.
2. Appeal, reflecting a country’s ability to retain home-grown talent and attract talent from overseas.
3. Readiness, reflecting a country’s ability to fulfil market demands with its available talent pool.
“The best-ranked countries have a balanced approach between their commitment to education, investment in developing local talent, and their ability to attract overseas talent.” – IMD
The full ranking is based on over 20 indicators. Some are statistical and some are from an exclusive opinion survey of 4,300 international executives. Note: ‘executives’ here meant Senior and Top Management. It is not the junior executive or the senior executive which we know. This is then joined by IMD World Competitiveness Center’s extensive historical database. This allows for an assessment from 2005 to 2014.
Ok, have to be honest, Malaysia obviously was not ranked top 5 in all the three key factors. It’s just that overall average wise, we somehow edged out all the others. For example:
For the investment and development factor, Denmark leads ahead of Switzerland (2) and Austria (3). Germany (4) and Sweden (5) complete the top five.
Switzerland is top-ranked for the appeal factor, followed by Germany (2), the US (3), Ireland (4) and Malaysia (5).
Switzerland is also highest-rated for readiness, ahead of Finland (2), the Netherlands (3), Denmark (4) and the UAE (5).
The above is reported because I had an argument with a friend who said Malaysians are not creative and that MAJORITY of all talents are already overseas. I looked at him and pointed to me, I said, ‘Fortunately, I am among the MINORITY of Malaysian talents who are going to be here for a very long time.’ I did not bother to ask him if he’s amongst the minority because he is already a retiree. I think his category are not listed even if he considers himself a great talent too. Everyone can say everything and anyone can claim that working overseas are much better. For professional like doctors and dentists perhaps, I do agree that their lives are great overseas but are the good doctors and dentists in Malaysia living badly? it’s okay, if you do not agree, show your true capability by being successful overseas. Once you are successful, then you can claim anything and I would accept. In fact we can still have a latte when you are HOME for a holiday. Happy working, be it within or externally.
written on 26 Nov 2014
Next suggested article: Degree, Diploma, Masters or None. Qualification matters, yes.
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