Degree, Maturity and Attitude Matters

A friend who’s a manager in a insurance agency related the differences between teaching an agent with a Diploma, a Degree and a SPM holder today. She said, teaching a SPM holder requires huge efforts. There are so many things they do not understand and needs guidance and they also lack the thinking capability. A Degree holder and a Diploma holder is much better than a SPM holder. I wanted to say that perhaps age also played a part but after I remembered a few of my friends who is now the same age as me still acting as if they first graduated, I did not continue. I think anyone who is 17 and above should be matured enough to know that opportunities exist but working hard is the first criteria.
rankingDuring the actual interview, some of these SPM holders said that there is no need to study till Degree. Even the late Loh Boon Siew also did not have a degree. Let me tell you a fact. During that time, nearly EVERYONE has NO degree. Today, you may say a degree is nothing but if you do not have a degree, then you have nothing. Oh yeah, some would then say some billionaires are also not degree holders. In fact 16% of all Singaporean billionaires are NOT degree holders. What an amazing fact but tell me, are 100% of all the people who is working for him has no degree as well? Why would he not hire only those who’s like him?
Of course, even if you have a degree from Cambridge but your work attitude is BAD, then you are still not going anywhere. To be honest, my degree got me my first job but for my second job, they did not even look at my degree, merely relying on what I wrote in my resume and my working experience in my first company. I improved my presentation skills via Toastmasters. I improved my knowledge about properties through the non-stop following up of property issues in all medias. A degree is just a piece of paper. I don’t think anyone would ever asked me to show them my degree in the future. However, always remember, if you have none, then you are disadvantaged. Why would you want to have a handicap even before you start your ‘marathon’ towards success?
written on 24th Sept 2014
Next suggested article: Loan rejection, buyer quality, build quality and promises


  1. Personally, paper qualification is the first requirement for those who just graduate as a first and ultimate in evaluation, on the other word, is a criteria for fresh graduate to show youself to employer that i have completed 4 years of degree and ready for contribution into society. it doesn’t mean you can get good postion and pay like an engineer, my advice is, don’t use it as a benchmark because you are just a fresh student. there is a lot of things you need to learn, in fact, you don’t have a negotiation power by right, you may not agree with me as you may think, i am degree honor student studied oversea in UK/US/Australia, i should deserve better than others. then.. you may think over again…
    Over time, as you gain more and more work experience, employer would more focus on your capacity in term of experience you gained so far, and employer’s expectation is totally difference by looking at the following, why i have to hire you, what you can contribute to you company, what skill set do you have to solve my company problem instead of asking how big of University you graduated and CGPA you gained. remember.. employee is hiring one can do the job instead of one is not good enough but just high paper qualification. we need to understand what is the value of education, education is not a tool for you to get rich, if you want to be rich, do business lah…
    If you come across someone who have been senior in employeement but still talking about how good of univesity he studied and the rank in top 10, then most likely he is still staying in the past. wake up lah… : )

    1. Agree! Haha….

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