KIDEX off? KIDEX on? More expressways on the way.

Those who are against KIDEZ are serious. There is even a Facebook page set up just for this purpose. The original article, with full explanations on why KIDEX is not good as well rebutting claims from KIDEX.  Happy reading them.
I am very sure those who are protesting the KIDEX have their own valid arguments. KIDEX is not necessary, there are other roads, it’s going to cause even more issues, environmental problems and more. I remember when Sepang F1 Circuit was built, many said it was not necessary. Yet, Senior Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew said that he had wanted Formula 1 to be in Singapore ten years before it was finally in Singapore!  I also remember some people said KLIA is a waste of money, just extend the Subang Airport would do. Suddenly, we found out that it is no longer the case today. Whatever we do, as long as it is true that the benefits far outweighs the disadvantages, just do ahead. Especially for development projects, it is almost a certainty that some one would have a different opinion about it.
kidexI seriously believe KIDEX will benefit more people than all those who are against it combined. Just look at the number of motorists who would be using it. Think about some of the times when the KIDEX became an alternative road because the other road was jammed due to an accident? More importantly, there would be more cars, even with MRT and not lesser. Growth may slow a little due to MRT if it slows at all but increase is a sure thing. This is my main reason for saying that KIDEX should continue. Come to think of it, this was the reason why I am for Penang’s 3rd link, the tunnel which was proposed by CM of Penang, Lim Guan Eng but was rejected by many environmentalists.
Besides KIDEX, there are also the following other new/proposed tolled roads.  East Klang Valley Expressway (EKVE). West Coast Expressway (WCE). The extension of the Duta-Ulu Kelang Expressway or Duke.  Sungai Besi-Ulu Kelang elevated expressway (Suke). Damansara-Shah Alam Expressway (Dash). I can safely say that each and every of these roads would definitely pass by residential areas. Reason is simple, if there are no one staying along the whole stretch of the road, I sincerely do not think any of these companies would be interested the build the roads in the first place. Would there be a lot more of protests? Would they succeed in stopping a lot of these new roads?
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, that’s why KIDEX protestors are gaining huge popularity today. We shall see how this pans out in the near future. KIDEX off or KIDEX on?
written on 27 May 2014
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