Safety will always be utmost important.

Are crime rates increasing or decreasing? I think anyone who is reading this has already made a conclusion that it has to be increasing. There are a lot more of those robberies and petty thefts being circulated in the social media these days. This is the reason why many are trying their best to stay in areas deemed to be safer. Well, in an article in a local English daily recently, it was said that Brickfields has the highest number of house break-in cases among all the police districts in Kuala Lumpur. Based on theSun’s report, it found out that there are four to five cases being reported on a weekly basis in Brickfields.
This is the reason why I seriously think that if one were to consider landed property today, it’s best to buy gated and guarded projects instead. In fact, I would no longer consider any landed property without gated and guarded because I am worried for my family when I travel for business. As usual, there are people who would say that even gated and guarded does not mean that it’s safe. Great argument BUT I think it is much safer than one without. That’s the reason for the huge price difference between the ones with and without now in Klang Valley and Iskandar.
Besides that because of the ever increasing number of foreigners here in Malaysia, especially the illegal ones, crime rates would also be increasing. These illegal ones may not necessary have come with intention to rob but imagine them having no money for even food and yet could not find a job because they have no valid documents, what do you think will happen? As soon as a few of these group together, get a couple of parangs, they become dangerous to anyone who is unluckily targeted.
According to the police, for many of these illegal migrants, they would take the opportunity to break into as many houses as possible before heading home. They arrived here without documents anyway. Some of the hotspots for house break-ins in the city are Brickfields, Sentul and Cheras due to the high density of residential areas in these places. Always think of safety as priority before buying that property you love. Main reason is to protect those you love. Happy buying.
written on 20 June 2015
Next suggested article: Safety, security, gated and guarded


  1. jc law avatar
    jc law

    I have the same thought for security concerned. Whether a condo or landed property with g&g scheme are the preferred home for family.
    Guarded landed properties are good but with some home owners will never pay and the area could ended with no security, I have seen that.
    Proper stratified landed properties will minimize this problem but with a higher monthly service charge and sinking fund. After all, I believe the safety of our family is always much valuable than the charges incurred.

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