RENs in Malaysia. Exceptional or Exception? is a real estate negotiator (REN) friendly site. We help new RENs to quickly understand property market and investment. We help refresh the experienced ones with updates on property market too. Thank you for reading and sharing all these years since 2013. Wow, is 8 years plus already.
We also believe it’s important that any buying / selling of properties should be done professionally and we should stop having all these hanky-panky going on in the property market. Illegal brokers, illegal agents and more. I have worked with many RENs in Malaysia. Exceptional ones, good ones and not up to par ones. Yeah, also the exception ones. Means I do not wish to deal with them anymore.
Exceptional RENs?
Exceptional ones include the one who managed to convince me that buying a property in Kelana Jaya despite still being based in Penang is definitely possible and a good choice too. She connected me to an opportunity. Bought it for RM183,000 via this friendly agent and sold it for RM460,000 via another knowledgeable agent.
Another one was someone who helped to ensure my tenant got the support needed when there was a heavy rain and one of the windows started leaking due to the heavy rain. He arranged for repairs the very next day and my tenant stayed with me for the next 4 years! Both were awesome Real Estate Negotiators.
Not up to par RENs?
Many instances yeah. Example, ‘what’s the size of this unit?’ REN: Oh, the size is xxxxxx. Wait, let me recheck. Oh it’s xxxxx. Me: “how many feet extra do I have for the backyard?” REN: Oh, I do not know, let me go measure now.” OMG… Are you really the appointed REN for this property developer or you have too many appointments and this particular one is just not your cup of tea?
Second instance. I arrived at the viewing unit and the REN arrived 5 minutes after me. Then, the REN said sorry because he has FORGOTTEN to bring the keys to the unit. OMG… you have wasted a few hours of my time. Plus, why did you not arrive earlier, go into the unit, see if things are not in order, switch on the fans etc? You want to earn professional fees as a REN right? It’s not just opening the door…

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