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Press Release: PropertyGuru is Giving Away A Free Home!
- PropertyGuru gives back to Malaysians for making them the No. 1 property website
- Help a deserving Malaysian to own a free home worth over RM600,000 by telling their story
Kuala Lumpur, 27 January – With over 450,000 home choices, over 8 million monthly visits, and 47% market share, Malaysian property website PropertyGuru has officially taken the lead as Malaysia’s No. 1 property website based on third-party sources. PropertyGuru is now commemorating this significant milestone with fellow Malaysians, by giving away a fully-furnished free home worth over RM600,000. Starting February 1, people can nominate a deserving Malaysian home seeker for the ‘PropertyGuru Home Giveaway’ initiative.
In a climate of escalating COVID-19 cases daily, Malaysians are being tested like never before. It is also more evident that many desire a home of their own, especially after experiencing lockdown, where personal space comes up as a priority amongst younger Malaysians.
1 in 3 Malaysians are intent on purchasing their own homes despite COVID-19 challenges, according to the recent Consumer Sentiment Study findings by the No. 1 property website, PropertyGuru. Nevertheless, Malaysians continue to cite inability to afford the down payment and unstable job salaries as top barriers to taking on a home loan.
Sheldon Fernandez, Country Manager, PropertyGuru Malaysia said, “Purchasing a home is already a task that requires a huge commitment and consideration from all aspects, so we can imagine how much more difficult it has been made by the pandemic. We’ve always stood with Malaysians when it came to finding a home and now, more than ever, we would like to give back.
With the PropertyGuru Home Giveaway initiative, we would like to thank Malaysian property seekers for ranking us the No. 1 Property Website in Malaysia as this would not have been possible without the support and trust of Malaysians.
We would like to pay forward to fellow Malaysians with the PropertyGuru Home Giveaway by giving a free fully-furnished home worth over RM600,000. To be a part of this initiative, nominate a deserving Malaysian home seeker who does not own a home, and share with us why they deserve this free home.
We have always aimed to serve Malaysians with the right properties, insights and solutions in making confident property decisions. This leadership position would not have been made possible without the support and trust of Malaysians and we are extremely grateful.”
Nominations for the PropertyGuru Home Giveaway will begin on February 1, 2021, to turn a deserving home seeker into a proud homeowner of a fully-furnished, freehold home at Tropicana Metropark, Subang Jaya. More information can also be found on

Sheldon further commented, “We also hope that the Malaysian spirit of ‘muhibah’ – our own true brand of goodwill and compassion, will shine through in this exercise of sharing stories and looking out for each other”.
Here’s How You Can Help A Deserving Malaysian to Own A Free Home:
Do you know someone who needs a home? From the nasi lemak pakcik you meet every morning to a tired and weary frontliner, or from a single working mother to a diligent yet unassuming essential worker, or your own sister who’s working long hours every day to pay the rent and give her children good education – tell us a story to turn a Malaysian home seeker into a first-time homeowner! Here’s how you can nominate:
PropertyGuru Home Giveaway – A House For A Story:
Step 1: Nominate a home seeker (must not already own a home during the period of the campaign) by uploading their photo using the PropertyGuru Home Giveaway Picture Frame.
Step 2: Post the photo with the picture frame on your Facebook or Instagram to tell us why (in not more than 300 words) your nominee deserves to become a proud owner of a new home.
Step 3: Tag (Facebook) and @propertygurumalaysia (Instagram), include these hashtags #PropertyGuruIsNumber1 #PropertyGuruHomeGiveaway and make sure your post is set to ‘Public’.
Step 4: Inform us of your submission by commenting this on either our Facebook or Instagram post:
“I have nominated [tag your nominee’s Facebook or Instagram handle*].
Here’s the link to my post: [insert link to your nomination post on Facebook or Instagram]”
*If your nominee does not have a Facebook or Instagram account, please insert the full name of your nominee.
Malaysian support has propelled PropertyGuru to market leadership
PropertyGuru emerged as the No. 1 property website in Malaysia based on the Most Website Traffic (collectively verified by leading web analytics platforms Comscore, Google Analytics and Alexa) and Most Time Spent (verified by SimilarWeb).
Based on 3-month average data (October to December 2020) from Comscore, PropertyGuru is leading with 65% traffic share. Google Analytics has also clocked in a monthly average of over 8 million visits in the past quarter. Alexa’s ranking measures website popularity, and PropertyGuru is now the top ranked site for property in Malaysia.
PropertyGuru Malaysia is also the Most Preferred website with 47% market share* as verified by SimilarWeb. Malaysian home buyers spend more time on than any other property website.
This feat has been consistently driven by PropertyGuru’s understanding of their user’s needs, starting with a variety of innovative proptech solutions, for home seekers, agents and property developers alike.
For home seekers, this includes the PropertyGuru Loan Pre-Approval, Malaysia’s first and only mortgage solution that provides a 99% accuracy check on home loan eligibility information to improve chances for more home buyers to secure home loans.
Other valuable tools include data-driven and timely insights on the property market such as the half-yearly Consumer Sentiment Study, quarterly Property Market Index reports and annual Property Market Outlook report.
Sheldon added, “The pandemic has shown us that as a nation with diverse resources and expertise, we can get through this together. PropertyGuru would like to do its part in getting us all back up on our feet.”
For more details on the home giveaway, please visit: or PropertyGuru Home Giveaway
— End of Press Release —
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