Pandemic of the unvaccinated. Be aware and beware!
I am happy that Malaysia is now one of the countries in the top of the list for total vaccinations for her people. This is why majority of all cases does not require hospitalisations and subsequently ICU. Want some actual numbers? Here’s that report from

Mask is COMPULSORY please
I am also happy that Malaysia continues to require that everyone wears mask when they are at public places regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not. In fact, the unvaccinated are not allowed the same flexibilities given to the vaccinated. I hope this continues until a time when the other advanced countries could show that they are okay without the masks. As of now, NONE of them are showing it.
Pandemic of the unvaccinated
In fact, the famous term, ‘Pandemic of the unvaccinated’ seems to be on the way back in many of these countries. Please be reminded that vaccinations do not guarantee non-infection. However, with vaccinations come protection from hospitalization and subsequently admittance into the ICU. Here are some latest news we need to be aware and beware too.
Article in Germany’s Heath Minister Jens Spahn said that Germany is experiencing a “massive” pandemic of the unvaccinated. He was asking for curbs targeting those not inoculated to tame a resurgence in Covid cases.
He said, “We are currently experiencing mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated and it is massive.” He alsowarned that “in some regions in Germany intensive care beds are running out again.” Do read how serious the issue is for the unvaccinated here: Article in
Article in As of Wednesday, there were 834,490 Idahoans who are fully vaccinated. Of those, 14,619 have experienced a breakthrough case, which accounts for 1.75% of Idaho’s fully vaccinated population. Do read the full article here: Article in
Article in Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary said Covid-19 continue the affect the unvaccinated disproportionately, especially the elderly. He shared that 60 unvaccinated seniors get Covid-19 every day, six likely to end up in ICU.
He also shared that even for those who were infected and recovered, if they are unvaccinated, the risk of them getting infected are higher too. Please refer to the article for full details: Article in
Still think vaccination is some conspiracy? (or politically connected like some people from some countries?)
Whatever one thinks is up to the individual lah. I do not think it is proper to force anyone to get vaccinated by using law. Just that this person also need to know that it’s also not proper for you to be around anyone who has been fully vaccinated because the unvaccinated are more likely to be infected (refer above) and more likely to infect everyone else. Risking oneself because one is unvaccinated is the unvaccinated’s right but risking others is not right.
I wrote before and I repeat. If you are a teacher, please do NOT teach my kids! If you are a nurse, do NOT be at the hospital which I will be going to. Your request is for the vaccinated not to force you to be vaccinated. Fine. My request as the vaccinated is for you NOT to be around the vaccinated. Let’s leave each other alone. Thank you and I hope all would be okay for all the unvaccinated too.
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Next suggested article: Vaccination and the economy is so very related
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