Still without a property to your name? Getting one may not be a dream. However we must take some actions to find out more. It does not need to be just one affordable housing programme. There are lots to choose from. It’s the time to drop by one expo with over 600,000 units on offer.
Message from PR1MA.
50,000 units from KPKT. 267,000 units from PR1MA. 99,000 units from SPNB. 51,000 from RUMAWIP. 141,000 from PPA1M and MANY MORE. In fact visiting the event may be a lucky dar for some people. From a free PR1MA apartment to a new MYVi and lots of other electrical appliances and items, many people may return home with gift(s). Terms & Conditions apply okay. That’s not all. Famous artistes will be performing too. They include Tomok, Dato’ Hattan, ELLA and Marsha.
Details for the event:
24 March – 1st April 2018 @ PWTC. Time is 10am – 10pm.
Next suggested article: Financing options for first-time home buyers?
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