After the Economic Recovery Plan (ERP) announcement on 5th June at 3pm by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, many articles immediately appear on mass media. Many experts gave their assessments. Some may be more positive, some may be more negative. Some say the ERP is focused on the SUPPLY side but does not take care of the DEMAND side. As for, I managed to invite Sr. Michael Geh the FIABCI President (Malaysian Chapter) to share his views too. If you like to listen and learn, click here.
Actually I think the most important thing we must start to see would be how quickly the normalisation would happen. COVID-19 is going to be around for a long time more and it is just not possible to wait until we have no COVID-19 cases before restarting. As for normalisation, someone shared photo of malls today (Sunday) and wow, there were certainly crowds. Malls are not empty, definitely. As for me, I went to buy soil. Haha. Soil as in tanah for my plants lah.
Do take a look at the image below. I think I was the number 10 in queue. This is the scene at a garden centre. Many people, all wearing masks. There were many cars and I had to park by the roadside and walk probably 100 metres in. Some of us may wonder why everyone has suddenly become so interested in gardening? By the way, gardening is not considered a necessity. At best, this is an interest.

So, now the malls have more visitors. The garden centre is full of people. This afternoon, my wife had to wait for nearly 30 minutes at a restaurant which was fully occupied (with social distancing) and so many people were waiting at the same time for their orders. All wearing face masks of course. Perhaps normalisation in Malaysia will take a much quicker time than what many people thought. If this is the case, I think we are on the right track towards economic recovery. Well, perhaps we wait for a couple more weeks to be sure. Happy understanding.
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