Medical tourism booming in Penang

Some stats and facts from online newspapers about the medical tourism industry in Penang.

1) In 2011, the state received some 300,000 medical tourists which accounted for 60% of those arriving to Malaysia to seek medical treatment according to Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Rashid Hasnon.

2) According to Dr Hilmi, Deputy Health Minister with the efforts of MHTC (Malaysian Health Tourism Council), it has transformed Malaysia’s health tourism sector. Actual number of health tourists in 2011 increased from 392, 956 in 2010 to 583,296. It is expected to increase further to 671,727 in the year 2012 representing a 15% increase.

3) A few Penang hospitals are amongst the top 10 in receiving the medical tourism patients. They are Island Hospital, Penang Adventist and Lam Wah Ee Hospital.

This augurs well for Penang economy as a whole. Some of these patients may buy properties in Penang but more importantly, the money they spent would enable Penangites who are working in the healthcare industry to be able to afford to buy or upgrade their current property. I hope all these private hospitals would continue to upgrade their service and more importantly, increase their beds. They need to also serve Penangites, not just foreigners. 🙂


  1. Crystal Teh avatar
    Crystal Teh

    Nowadays patients is increasing. I noticed that Penang majority private hospital is expand their building like Loh Guan Lye and GMC. Now Island hospital on expanding building too. Even the building is increasing, should be enough beeded for those admission right? No, don’t think so because of high demand. During my dad admission on GMC before expanding and after expanding for my mom admission, we faced same issue, no bedded, wait until evening for discharges bed. From here, i noticed that people for admission is increased.
    For foreigners patients who afford to paid the medical fees increasing too. I saw this from the clinic floor while patients waiting doctor for their turn. I feel surprising how could so many foreigners especially from Indonesia and Thailand come over here seek for medical. One day, I ask the foreigners patient. I get the answered, Malaysia medical fees is much more cheaper from their country those well known doctor. And Malaysia private hospital facility is better than their country. That why they prefer come over here for medical. Because of cheaper and good facility with experience doctor.
    At Advertist Hospital, for heart surgery, the treatment fees for foreigners is cheaper than local residents. I asked nurse why like that? The nurse told me this special for Medan people but not Malaysian to attract they come over here for operation ?(???)?
    So, reason for private hospital expanding, because of high demand *^?^*

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