
Malaysians are happier than some and less than others. Are you happy today?

Malaysians are happier than some and less than others. Are you happy today?

I love to visualcapitalist.com They always have big things presented in a very simple manner. Recently, they have published the Global Happiness Levels 2022. If you like to know how Malaysians are thinking, it’s right below. To measure this, a survey of thousand of respondents from every country was done and everyone was asked to rate their subjective well-being (happiness score) using the Cantril life ladder question. For more details, it’s here: visualcapitalist.com

The report also does a regression analysis to look at how happiness scores could be explained, by looking at tangible and intangible factors that could factor in:

  • Social support
  • Life expectancy
  • Freedom to make life choices
  • Generosity
  • GDP per capita
  • Perceptions of corruption
  • Positive and negative affects

Similar to last year, the report takes special considerations to track how COVID-19 has impacted aspects of our daily lives, and how it’s affected global happiness levels.

Here is where Malaysia is… middle (above average)

We are grouped under the East Asia and Oceania and here, we are behind the following countries who are ‘happier’ than us. They are Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Mongolia. Yeah, that’s where the overall happiness score shows. We are slightly above average in this case yeah. What’s more important is how are you feeling today dear kopiandproperty.my readers?

regional map measuring happiness levels in east asia in 2022
Source: visualcapitalist.com

What about the Europe then?

The Scandinavian countries are usually happiest in all the indexes I have seen for many years. Finland leads followed by Iceland. UK is in the middle. Perhaps slightly above average. It’s behind Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria and Germany. No prizes to guess which are the countries where the people are feeling less happier than the world average yeah. Two of them is next to one another and is in a war now.

regional map measuring happiness levels in europe in 2022
Source: visualcapitalist.com

North America including Central America and the Caribbeans

In this part of the world, U.S. and Canada leads as the happiest countries. They are not as happy as many European countries but their score of 7.0 is considered high versus many other parts of the world. I have never been to both countries. Must plan one trip in the near future. U.S. should be a possible trip as I do get to travel to the annual International Conference for Toastmasters as a senior district officer here in Malaysia. If situations allow.

regional map measuring happiness levels in north america in 2022
Source: visualcapitalist.com

Great reference but do our best for ourselves

In every country, there are people who are doing better than most people. Strive towards becoming one. Learn new skills so that we are always competitive. Take up a new qualification so that we are always ahead of the pack in the corporate world. Invest our money properly so that our wealth would grow faster versus leaving it idle and without any return on what we have.

Could we as an individual be happier than many in the countries ranked above us as a country? Yes. All the best and stay happy always.

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Next suggested article: Bankruptcy in Malaysia during the MCO period. High or low?

Image by Pexels from Pixabay


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