Mah Sing is considered one of the few big names in the property development scene. Have you bought a property from them before? Personally, I have not, yet. Perhaps I am not their target market? In an article in its current group managing director and chief executive Tan Sri Leong Hoy Kum said this, “In fact, 70% of our buyers are 39 years old and below. We utilise our social media and create unique content such as festive videos, online contests and more to garner leads and increase brand awareness.” Yes, I happen to be just after 39. Haha. Okay, this is just a humour. I have received SMSes for their events before some time back.
He also shared this in the article. Mah Sing will be unveiling a new vision and logo on February 25. He promised that it would better represent the property developer’s goals and image. He shared that 56 percent of Mah Sing’s sales are from the Gen-Y. Thus, they will make sure their new branding would cater to this group of buyers. He shared, “Our brand transformation started with having a new vision, namely to invent future living that enhances the quality of life.” I think a good brand tells a lot. If we are a well known brand, we can add a bit more premium compared to an unknown developer. This is why a certain brand of smartphone can still sell at a premium pricing despite providing lower specs than many other brands. If I happen to be a developer and my development is right next to a major developer, my first option is to fight on price. The marketing spiel? ‘My property is right next to this XXXX developer and my quality is just as good. Yet, I am cheaper!’ Haha.
Beyond just about Mah Sing, he shared that on a long term basis, the demand for property in Malaysia will continue. The economy continue to be resilient with continuous gross domestic product (GDP) growth, young population, minimal speculative activities and shortage of homes for the past five years. He pointed out that there was an average supply of 80,000 new completed homes per annum but there are an average of 166,000 new households demand per annum. The LRT extensions and the starting to MRT Line 1 and all the other improvement in the local public transportation will improve the overall property market. Property is still one of the best hedges against inflation. When we buy for the longer term, it will be good for long-term rental income too. He also shared that Mah Sing focused on digital marketing and innovative events and campaigns to attract first-time home buyers. Personally, I believe property investment is a must for everyone. Without at least one home, what will we leave behind for our loved ones when we say goodbye to this world? Happy investing.
written on 12 Feb 2017
Next suggested article: Parents with kids? Teach them about money
Mah Sing: 70 percent of buyers are below 39.
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Our Asian’s traditional values on the need to pass on something tangibles to the next generation is the game the rich plays. Items to be passed on like properties are usually beyond most people. It is anarchic and even unwise a suggestion. Instead of preaching to live life to the fullest, you are preaching materialism. We live to impart values, lessons and morals of greatness not tangibles.
Those who impart tangibles without moral values and lessons usually lead to doom. Their children after them, instead of gratefulness and gratitude and retaining family structure, will fight one another in and out of courts for the inheritance. The wealth that way will never survive three generations.
So what are the values to impart? Wealth is meant as a step-up to be used responsibly and to make a better world and not for ourselves. Look at Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and many others. The inheritance must imbue lessons, values such that wealth is a means to be used to en-better the society.
I rather leave behind a great story my children/ grandchildren remember me by than great wealth that leads to disintegration of family.-
Thanks Fred. As for leaving lots of wealth, it’s hard to do for a working class like me. I do however intend to ensure my kids have a degree. After that, my wife and I hopefully can travel a bit. There’s so much to do beyond just staying in our home and watch Astro everyday.
Perhaps 3 days a week, drink Kopi with friends.
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