The highest level for a high-rise which I have bought thus far is 21st floor. Lowest? Level 1. The rest are in-betweens but except for that 21st floor, all the rest are below 10. What have I learnt from buying all these low floors over the years? It does NOT have to be high floors. Perhaps I share my personal experience with low levels then? 7 things I have learnt about the advantages of low floors. By the way, I personally look at anything below 10 as low floors. Anything higher than 20 can start to be considered as high floors.
Prime premium. Frankly, the higher we want to buy, the higher the price would be. Every floor, depending on the project may be a few thousand ringgit extra and thus, level 1 and level 20, that difference may easily be RM20,000 – RM50,000 if not more. By the way, when we sell in the future, that would also be the difference too, if any. Save that difference for a family holiday maybe? Else, that same master-room higher up or lower down is exactly the same sized…
Better Views. The sales people will tell us that we can see very far, we could see the Petronas Twin Towers for example. Actually, do we really need to see very far everyday? What time do we wake up and what time do we come home every day? During the weekends, do we even stay at home and do nothing but looking far away from the balcony? I have to agree however that the view from my 21st floor unit is better than my level 1 unit yeah.
Easier to sell in future. If we really want to sell it faster in the future, get an extra car park instead, that helps much more than higher floors. I did just that and sold my level 5 for a RM50,000 premium many years ago. The extra premium I paid for that car park? RM10,500 only. Imagine if your unit is on a higher floor but with just ONE car park? These higher up units could not even price their units close to my 5th level unit when I sold my unit.
Quieter. There’s actually some truths in this. Just remember yeah, when you buy a condo next to some expressways where the mat-rempits love to race, then unless you are extremely high up, otherwise, there’s really no big difference between the 5th and the 20th floor. You are still going to be awaken in the wee hours of the morning. This is why it’s super important to look at the location the condo is situated and NOT the levels in the condo development.
I have a unit on level 8. It’s on the same level as the facilities floor. I think that’s a huge advantage. Whether its for the elderly or the kids, it’s direct access into where all the facilities and even the walking path is. I also own a unit at Level 1 which is ALSO same level as the facilities level where the pool, playground, BBQ pits and even the sauna rooms are.
Remember yeah, when we do BBQ party, it’s BEST to have direct access versus having to wait for lift, go back to the unit, take stuffs and wait for the lift again! Haha… Unfortunately for those not on the same level as the facilities floor, that’s your issue. Fortunately for those on the same floor as facility which is usually on the lower floors, that’s our advantage. By the way, buy the floor you feel the most comfortable with. My views are just my views. Happy buying and enjoying.
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Next suggested article: When landed is pitched against a condo and everything is almost the same.
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