Kuantan is now a city. How many cities are there in Malaysia?

Kuantan is now a city. It became a city on 21st February 2021. Kuantan is the capital city of Pahang. Did you know how many cities do Malaysia have? How many could you think of at the top of your mind? 5? 8? 12? Erm… you are quite far from the actual number. If you guessed Ipoh as one of them, you are right. Ipoh was the second city to be recognised as a city. Well, Kuantan is the number 19th city in Malaysia and it seems that there are also another few cities on its way too. Image shows all the current cities in Malaysia.

kuantan is now a city
Image course: http://jkt.kpkt.gov.my/en/SoalanLazim/Umum-JKT%26PBT

Article in nst.com.my Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah today proclaimed Kuantan a city and opened the Kuantan City Council Complex at Tanah Putih, here.Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin presented a letter proclaiming Kuantan a city to Pahang Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail before it was handed over to the King. Al-Sultan Abdullah then declared Kuantan a city.

The first mayor for Kuantan City Council (MPK) is president Datuk Hamdan Hussin. Al-Sultan Abdullah then signed a plaque to officially declare Kuantan a city and opened the Kuantan City Council Complex. This proclamation came after an approval granted by the Federal government via a Cabinet meeting on May 8, 2019. Menara Kuantan 188, the country’s second tallest tower will also be open by the King. Please do read the full article here: Article in nst.com.my

kuantan is now a city
Image source: https://traveltriangle.com/blog/things-to-do-in-kuantan-malaysia-bdp/

What are the criteria to become a city?

“Among the basic criteria for granting City status on a local government is that it has a minimum population of 500,000 and an annual income of not less than RM 100 million. For a municipal status, the minimum population is 150,000 with an annual income of not less than RM 20 million. These are the latest criteria approved during the State Council Meeting for Local Government in June 2008. Source here.

Would property prices move upwards then?

Do take a look at the city list above. How many of these cities have property prices which is higher than all other towns in Malaysia? Generally, the property prices are higher than most towns because of the demand from property coming from a population which is continuously growing. Most of the time, there’s migration from smaller towns and villages within the same state to the capital city. This is why demand for housing would keep growing and this would also push up land prices which meant future homes would definitely be priced higher.

What’s in Kuantan?

I have been to Kuantan a few times and I think of it as a small city where everything we need is available but there’s nothing too modern or contemporary. Driving there from Kuala Lumpur is a journey of close to 3 hours. Not that near but not too far either. JB is further away. There are lots of things to do in Kuantan as a tourist. Do drop by okay. Here are the 10 best things to do over at Kuantan. 10 Best Things to do in Kuantan. (click to read) Please do not travel currently yeah. Crossing state is not allowed at the moment.

Happy visiting it soon yeah.

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