Investment? Forget physical address, get an online address instead.

We have always been focussed on real estate built from the ground up. Whether they are landed properties or high rise homes, they are physical, real and you can touch them. Actually, there’s one more real estate that we couldn’t touch BUT can be extremely profitable if we somehow managed to get a good one and keeping it ‘occupied’ until a potential new owner decides to buy it from us. It’s a domain name. The best would be to make it so successful that people actually wanted to buy it from you for a good price.
An online website is how the world finds you. Just look at some of those which are more successful like (Personal Finance) or (Cars) or even (kids education) as well as the many foodblogs which are so popular that there alerts of banners being advertised within their sites! They focussed on something that people wants to read and this would continue to give them the wings to fly. From my personal experience with I think it’s safe to say that if the content remains relevant, the number of readers would slowly increase. This number would be your greatest capital when you look for potential companies who may want to take advantage of your website popularity to launch a new product instead.
Majority of everyone of us would have something we are interested in. The only thing we lack is discipline to keep learning and sharing it with the world. It used to be tough. Today, a website address with a good content can be quickly shared. Visits can quickly increase and before you know it, you have built another stream of secondary income? Just look at some of the successful real estate agents, they even have their own websites. This makes them stand out from the crowd. Read even more and perhaps the next address you want may not be on the ground but up online. Happy finding one.
written on 3 Mar 2016
Next suggested article: Blogging can earn you millions, really


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