HTAR: Daily admissions for Covid-19 patients down 50% versus the week before.

Good news, not many people share. Bad news, the whole world knows. It’s okay, let me share a good news for Selangor / KL. Whoever that new PIC is for the National Vaccination programme will be the one reaping the rewards of all the effort from our ex-coordinating minister for National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme. Thank you for a good job YB Khairy Jamaluddin.

Now, we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not bright enough yet but yes, that sense that there’s a light at that far end of the tunnel. This is nowhere near the end though. No one is safe until everyone is safe or vaccinated in this case. Soon, we would have to move to the 12-17 year olds and perhaps in the next stage would be the younger ones too.

Article in “Admission of Covid-19 patients to Klang’s HTAR down by over 50pc, says director.” HTAR director Dr Zulkarnain Mohd Rawi said that the number of daily admissions of Covid-19 patients for treatment at Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital (HTAR), Klang has dropped by over 50 per cent since last week.

He said, “The number of Covid-19 patients at this hospital has dropped from over 1,000 at the height of the infection last July. As of 1pm today, the number of such patients is less than 900. The patient admission bubble at HTAR occurred in July until the middle of that month.”

“Alhamdulillah, the number of admissions (of patients) has decreased since last week. This situation indirectly has resulted in a drop in the number of patients in category three and above.” Please do refer to the full news here: Article in

Vaccination coverage is the main reason, it’s not just Malaysia by the way

It could not happen overnight but once vaccinations start to reach a critical stage, for example, 40% or higher, then we will start to see good signs. Just look at Sarawak, Putrajaya and Labuan. Sarawak’s cases are very high but the total hospitalisations and ICU patients have dropped tremendously versus the times when vaccinations were low.

YES, I REPEAT, those people who spread news about ‘wind injections’ should apologize for spreading rumours. This lower hospitalisation and ICU numbers have happened in many European nations (with high vaccinations) and even the UK too. So, this is definitely the right way to go. The only issue is to ensure we continue to have enough doses because it does seem that not much has been said about arrival of more Covid-19 vaccination doses in September.

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Keep it up and let’s have a more normal life very soon.

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Next suggested article: Vaccination and economy. Wow, they are related


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