High Speed Rail (HSR) KL – SG… really coming back.
If you think the ticket sales revenue can cover the cost of construction, then this is unlikely to happen. In fact out of the so many public transport projects, probably the only one giving profits would be the Hong Kong model. The rest… the government would have to continue to subsidize it. Then why build? Haha. When the connectivity increases, the economic activity increases. It’s important to look at the economic multiplier effects yeah.
Yes, I am a supporter of this High Speed Rail (HSR) and was very sad when it was shelved and we had to pay compensation. The latest news as below. It’s coming back…
Article in theedgemarkets.com Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong says that the ministry will hold discussions with the Singapore government under new terms and the discussion is still in the early stages. In fact the initial discussions with Singapore will be in the second quarter of 2022.
He said, “In line with the Prime Minister’s visit to Thailand on Feb 25, the ministry is also exploring possibilities of conducting an HSR feasibility study from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok.” There are also other news. Read the full article here. Article in theedgemarkets.com
This time, it should be quicker
I meant the discussion, negotiations and even the construction between Malaysia and Singapore. Everything would have been discussed before. Stay focused on the outcome and make it happen. Plus make it happen as soon as possible so that no matter what happens, this will not get shelved the second time? I mean if this time, it’s really happening again.

Anyway, construction can also be faster too since I am very sure the companies would have also improved on their technology and capability. Looking forward to more news soon. Yes, I will do best to keep reading and updating everyone too.
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