Great Resignation is happening in many countries. Are you ready to resign?

Great Resignation is happening in many countries. Are you ready to resign?

Needing a job or leaving a job?

On one hand, people are saying that they need a job. On the other hand, many people we know are resigning. There are many reasons and some of them include suffering from burnout, hated the company, hated the manager, hated the low salary or a good and logical reason; leaving for a better role in responsibility and with higher salary. if we google just ‘great resignation’ in, we have the following never-ending line of articles:

Great resignation is across all industries, countries

We can see that the great resignation happens across all industries and not just one. It happens all over the world in many countries and not just the usual advanced countries. In fact, it happens across all levels of positions and not just a certain level. Great resignation has now happened in Malaysia, according to one report from Ranstad Malaysia. Do read the article below.

Article in THE “great resignation” is already happening in Malaysia, according to Randstad Malaysia. Fahad Naeem, the head of operation for the leading recruitment agency, said from the Randstad Workmonitor survey, the percentage of respondents that have switched employers has increased seven-point, from 29% in March 2021 to 36% in September 2021.

He said, “Organisations that don’t keep up with employees’ expectations are more likely to lose their talent, and current employees may also start to feel more negatively towards their employers.”

The resignation reasons according to him include 51% of respondents value career growth opportunities, followed by opportunities to gain more long-term marketable skills (37%) and value working for a fast-growing company (30%).

Among factors for employers’ consideration include salary, employee benefits and work flexibility, especially with in-demand candidates who often have at least one job offer to consider. It’s a comprehensive article. Do read it here: Article in

Money will always be an important factor

We can continue to have all academic research on reasons to resign but please remember this quote. “Money is not everything.” This meant that decisions are not necessary need to be money for EVERYTHING. However, it is in most other things. Many times, people hating their role may still be in the role because they have bills to pay. They still love the car they drive and would not want the car to be taken away. They need a home and would not want to move back to staying in a room.

Many times, people hating their role are still around because the salary they were paid is higher versus all other roles which they have been offered but with a lower salary. Overpaid is certainly an issue for some people and it’s not just about underpaid all the time. If we are doing exactly the same thing every year but we are being paid ever higher, think about this seriously yeah. Demand and supply says that if someone could do the same thing we do for lower pay, this someone would soon get our job instead. It does not even have to be in the same country these days.

Happy resigning or decising or even staying around.

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