In future: All Malaysian cities with own integrated rail networks?

I shared this with many friends before. Rail networks, especially LRT, MRT or even monorail is never profitable. Then, they would tell me, ” then why Singapore could make their MRT profitable?” I asked how did they get such information, no one could answer me. Well over the past 10 years, Singapore government has been subsidising the public transportation to the tune of SGD4 billion per year, on average. This is because fares alone, despite nearly everyone I know is using the public transport is never enough. Coupled with the fact that despite insufficient revenue to cover costs, it’s not easy to increase the ticket fare ever year. Perhaps none for 10 years! Read here to understand a bit more on the subsidy to the public transportation  in Singapore.  
This brings us to something I read today. It’s titled, “Growing urban centres also need public transport, says Liow.” Actually, the only urban centre that the article talk about was Johor Bahru. It did not mention all the other urban centres in all other cities in Malaysia. Perhaps that makes more sense since for less congested cities, a bus transit system would work better and by far cheaper too. The article also shared that only 20% of the population actually uses public transport today and that the government is aiming at up to 40 percent by 2030. That’s also the time when Malaysia becomes an ageing nation. Liow also said that the government is also looking into the LRT or monorail possibility for Johor. He also said that Iskandar Malaysia officials have briefed him on the need for a train system in Johor Bahru.
Okay, it’s clear that for all other cities not mentioned, perhaps a train system within the city is not feasible. Government does not have the funds to do train services in all Malaysian cities. Private sector? I am not sure if there are companies with lots of money and wishes to do charity. It can sponsor some Monorail cars perhaps. Get another private entity to sponsor the construction. Suddenly all the private developers disappear. haha. by the way, Hong Kong’s MTR is profitable. Reason? Rental of buildings on top of the MTR. They are owned by the MTR corporation. Clever move right. Read here:  MRT and rental starts at the same time. Good. Happy waiting for more connections. Just remember to ditch our car when the lines really do pass our offices yeah.
written on 19 Dec 2016
Next suggested article:   Who says don’t buy Johor properties? you should buy.


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