Seriously, I think everyone should read and understand the below article from The Star, dated 14th August 2015. For just 5 minutes, stop your new found Facebook ability as an ‘Economist’ and read attentively. Be proud that this is our central banker who is already in the final phase of her contract and has received numerous international awards and is highly regarded. Yes, when she is no longer the Bank Negara Governor, she would write a book. Yes, I will buy that book. Happy reading the below article yeah.
Read here: “A courageous show by Zeti” dated 14th August 2015.
Summary of the article?
The case that everyone kept wanting to put the blame on her? She said that it is not a matter under the purview of Bank Negara because it does not have access to the accounts of individuals. The central bank, however, assists other enforcement agencies if it is approached. Final joke of the day? She said, “This is what I can say … I may contravene the law and be arrested for talking about an individual’s account when I leave this room.” Everyone laughed. Whether happily, sadly or sheepishly, you should decide. Happy reading and following.
Next suggested article: The cause of property prices up is Bank Negara
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