I think I have interviewed enough good and bad candidates to conclude that communication skill is the single most important element for anyone to get a job. That confidence when we explain, coupled with sufficient English proficiency will help one to be ahead of all the rest. To those who think that a programmer or an engineer would need just their technical skills, they are right, as long as they want to be a programmer and an engineer for a very long time instead of becoming a Chief Technology Officer or Head of Engineering in the future. Or can we imagine a CEO who could not explain well during a press conference or reading from notes instead? Fortunately, communication skills could be learnt, practiced and perfected. Keep speaking more or join Toastmasters.
Of course, confidence comes from deep knowledge about the issue that we are explaining. It’s not about presentation skill only because sooner or later, someone is going to find out if you can only talk but could not walk the talk. Deep knowledge meant that one kept reading more. I told someone about my belief of 6-6-6 a few years ago. Start reading just 6 articles per day, expanding it further to 6 different channels (because after a while your time spent per article gets lesser) and after 6 months, you may find that you are seen as an expert in the things you read about. This is true even to those intending to know a lot about property investment. Finishing just a book about property investment meant gaining the experience of the writer within days.
It’s impossible to learn everything or anything usable at all if we stay for just a few months or keep changing jobs for a few hundred extra ringgit. Seriously, I will not even call job hoppers for an interview. Perhaps just me maybe. Last but not least, start saving, learning and investing. The wish for ‘if only I have the money of today and born 20 years ago’ will never happen. The second best time to make it big, whether it’s the career or the wealth is now upon us. These are the elements shared by someone I believe is a good role model for Malaysians. He is Tengku Zafrul, currently CIMB group chief executive officer. His actual comments can be read here: In TheStar – Tengku Zafrul’s advice here. Here’s some introduction of him in Wiki. All the best fellow Malaysians.
written on 14 Aug 2017
Next suggested article: Property investment? Keep learning, even if opinions differ
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