8 Good CNY videos from developers

8 Good CNY videos from developers

This article was very well received by many. Enjoy! 8 very good CNY videos for 2022 Thank you everyone. Do continue sharing them with more people yeah. Then, as usual I start to receive many more CNY videos from property developers. Since many of these videos are also very good and have meaningful message, here’s a compilation for all of them. If I missed out any, please do let me know yeah. I can always change the title to 10 Good videos etc…

#1 – Matrix Concepts

#2 Gamuda Land

#3 UEM Sunrise

#4 EcoWorld

#5 Mah Sing

#6 Aset Kayamas

#7 IJM Land

#8 S P Setia

I am sure you have your own favourite right? Me too. Haha. However, no need to debate lah. Enjoy it. Drive safe when you back to your hometown yeah. Take care and wishing all of us a ROARING 2022 yeah. it’s about time things really start to get better and better and soon, we will thrive again.

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Next suggested article: 3 Timing when it comes to property investment

Header Image by hartono subagio from Pixabay 


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