China and India? More will visit Malaysia in 2020. They need accommodation yeah…

I personally agree with the visa-free idea for 2020 for China and India (alphabetical order…). The two most populous nations in the world. Counting just slightly over 1% of their (China and India) population is already equal to the total population in Malaysia. Lets be pragmatic yeah. Even better, both are firmly ASIAN too.

Both have contributed immensely as trade partners to Malaysia and surely ever higher trade numbers to come. Both have lots of people yearning to travel the world and yes, these people can always start with Malaysia as their first overseas destination and then continue with Malaysia or ASEAN nations again and again. It’s Visit Malaysia Year 2020 after all. Let’s take advantage of this and do our very best and see how many millions more of international tourists we could attract.

Article in Beginning 2020, tourists from China and India will be able to visit Malaysia without a tourist visa. For the whole of 2020, they will be able to enter the country for up to 15 days by using the electronic travel registration and information system – either individually or through travel agencies in their respective countries.

The requirement is that the tourists must enter and exit Malaysia only through authorised airports or entry points. What happens after they arrive is that they must product proof of sufficient cash for expenses, credit card and produce their travel itinery here in Malaysia. They should also have with them a valid return ticket. For 2020, Malaysia aims to attract 30 million international tourists and this is estimated to bring in total tourist receipts of RM100 billion. Please read the Article in

What can I do as a Malaysian? I could definitely continue to tell all my overseas friends to come visit me as 2020 is the year they should enjoy Malaysian hospitality and of course our teh tarik. I had the privilege to host one group of MBA students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and during that one day of moving, eating and drinking, this is their comment on teh tarik. ‘This is the best drink I have ever had in my life.’ Haha.

Stop all the unnecessary rhetorics. Focus on the good and make 2020 that year when Malaysia is mentioned the most and it’s on the beauty of the country and not something else yeah. When 30 million people come, they will need 15 million rooms, at least… So, get ready for these demands yeah. Buying a secondary property now is still in time. Haha. Enjoy your 2020 everyone. It will be our best year yet. Happy saving and investing.

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Next suggested article: Expats are happy in Malaysia. Of course.


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