Cameron Highlands: centre for trade, investment and logistics. Property opportunity?

I do not wish for Cameron Highlands to be as developed like Genting Highlands. Definitely not all the high-rise developments. Let Cameron Highlands be the quieter (introvert) highland sibling and Genting Highlands to be the extrovert one instead. Everytime I go up Cameron Highlands, the typical things I do is to buy vegetables and then buy fruits and then buy vegetables and fruits. Haha.

Okay, I love to visit the pasar malam and eat all those fried stuffs too. I love the cooling environment and will always enjoy one or two cups of tea, especially the one in Palas Boh Tea cafe. Where temperature is concerned, I do think it’s warmer than when I was younger. Perhaps it was all just imagination in my head. Anyway, cooling enough that I will go at least 3-4 times per year. Cuti-Cuti Malaysia bah. So, does Cameron Highlands has a lot more to offer beyond just tourism related activities? Well, maybe.

Article in here. The state government of Pahang has just established the Cameron Highlands Development Corporation. (PKCH) Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail said the establishment of PKCH would also play a role in promoting Cameron Highlands as a centre for trade, investment and logistics, as well as assisting in the socio-economic, infrastructure, residential and agricultural development planning.

PKCH will be chaired by Menteri Besar with the state secretary as its deputy chairman, PKCH members comprised five representatives of state government, three from the federal government and two experts. He said, “The state government has also made several key decisions including all agricultural land in Cameron Highlands which has been issued with the Temporary Occupation Licence is given the ownership title for Perbadanan Setiausaha Kerajaan Pahang to lease out the land to farmers within the stipulated period. Farmers who wish to lease the land must first obtain the Malaysian Good Agricultural Practices certificate issued by the Agriculture Department.” Do read full Article in here.

Since this has just been formed, I think we have to wait. The first thing which must be looked into would be illegal farming. Seriously, all those landslides should not continue to happen. Enforcement must be top notch (super speed) yeah. Else, once the farm is already up and running and producing, it’s already a little too late.

Second thing is to get rid of the traffic jams. More roads may be just temporary solution. Cameron Highlands can certainly be visited by more people but NOT more cars all at the same time.Think a little further okay.

Third thing is NOT to allow overbuilding of properties there yeah. Some crunching of numbers of population + visitors versus the number of homes needed please. PKCH, you should have all those numbers. Hmm… I wonder when is my next trip. Hopefully January 2020.

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Next suggested article:  10,000 cars in Cameron Highlands during holidays, wow.


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