I subscribe to visualcapitalist.com I think everyone should. They have very informative charts for everyone to understand where we are, where are we heading and perhaps telling us if we have a window of opportunity to do something about it. One latest table and infographics they have would be on country’s reopening as well as their road to recovery. In brief, who will recover earlier than others and how badly affected are they at this point with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. The below shows the bottom ranked countries for total cases. In other words, if we have fewer cases, we are ranked here. Malaysia is within the top 10 lowest for total number of cases.

There is also the recovery rate. This meant if you got infected with COVID-19, what’s the chance of you recovering fully from it. Malaysia is not within the top 10 highest this time. However, we are among the 16 countries where the recovery rate is ABOVE 80%. Yeah, there are just 16 countries who has managed to achieve that thus far. Thank you to all the frontliners who have worked so hard and to all the Malaysians who followed the social distancing guidelines. You have made a difference.

Meanwhile the image below shows economies which are reopening and it’s divided into 4 quadrants. High Mobility, High Recovery means that these countries have a high recovery rate and the country has lifted the restrictions and people are starting to get back to work. Malaysia is quite close to joining this quadrant. We are currently in the Low Mobility, High Recovery quadrant. This is for countries where the country is still playing it safe and will continue to reopen by looking at the rate of recovery of the population. I guess one more week and we may just join the High Mobility, High Recovery quadrant.

Do remember to subscribe to visualcapitalist.com for even more charts like this. Else, you will have to wait until I write something about it. Happy understanding that we may not be at the top but we are definitely among the countries doing well in handling COVID-19 pandemic. Stay safe and always wear masks whenever necessary.
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