It’s something illegal! Of course we should be worried, no?

Suddenly, we noticed that police officer under the overhead bridge a few hundred metres ahead. He has a gun; speed gun lah. What do we do? Quickly look at the speed which we were driving and quickly slow down? Haha. If we had followed the speed limit, why need to be worried or scared and having to take immediate actions? Alternatively, just keep speeding and just pay the speed fine later on lah. 🙂 It’s just a few hundred ringgit anyway.

Well, what happens then if someone were to call us and tells us that we owe him some unpaid fees and he is going to sue us to bankruptcy unless we pay them back soonest possible? Would we transfer money to his bank account or do we get some proofs first? What if he’s angry and threatened us back when we ask for more details? Are there people whom we could ask? At least some friends who are more knowledgeable then us? Surely there are many. Anyway, some chose to just pay and pay and well, pay.

Article in A 66-year old woman was duped by scammers pretending to be police officers. According to the police (the real ones), she lost RM618,302.58 to the scammer. Basically, the scammer managed to get her to apply for an ATM card as well as an online banking password. Three weeks later, the money in the account was emptied. She actually sent the ATM card to the scammers earlier.

How it happened: Central Seberang Perai police chief Nik Ros Azhan Nik Abdul Hamid said the victim received a phone call on Dec 11 from a “Pos Laju officer” in Kuantan, claiming that her parcel to Miri, Sarawak, had been quarantined. She was then connected to a woman who’s a high ranking officer in Kuantan police headquarters who told her that she would be investigated for money laundering. The victim did everything that she was told… More details in the Article in

By the way, the article in did not explain very clearly. However, this is not even the main point. The main point is this, how could the scammers be so good with their game plan? Actually, it’s a probability game for them. They do their best to keep calling. Once they hit a victim who is willing to do what they say, they get a few hundred thousand ringgit and they will continue their calling and fooling.

Secondly and more importantly, why did the victims become the victims? Surely they would have read somewhere about all these scams? Well, that’s why I kept writing and doing my best to keep telling people that all these are purely scams and nothing more. Any formal notifications will have be done formally. It cannot be through a call where they guided us to give them our password or even to apply for an ATM card and to send it to them… Perhaps it’s even better NOT to do something which we know is illegal yeah. Happy understanding.

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Next suggested article: Cheated again, yet again, always. Sigh… 


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