chicken rice

How to gauge if it’s a good location for property? Maybe use chicken rice?

How to gauge if it’s a good location for property? Maybe use chicken rice?

Lattes and property

Some time back, I wrote about how when a neighbourhood has many cafes, the property price is usually more expensive. Will rewrite that article soon. Meanwhile, my good friend wrote about how a location’s attractiveness could also be seen from a humble chicken rice stall. His point of view is very valid and makes logical sense too. Then again, he is a Penangite, so maybe it’s much more applicable there? Let’s take a look.

This is his FB page. Cheston Choo.

His comments was in Mandarin. This is an edited version in English.

Cheston’s comment:

When we are buying a house, it pays to also take a look at a nearby chicken rice stall. Why? The reason is because when there are chicken rice stalls, it means that there is a flow of customers; people. Same logic applies for people wanting to buy into locations where there is a sizeable population.

I have personally found that locations for homes where the chicken rice stall is doing well are related. Do try and see if the area has a nearby / walking distance chicken rice stall (usually inside a kopi tiam). If there is just ONE chicken rice stall in the whole neighbourhood or the stall hangs up just 2 chickens when it opens for business, then the location’s attractiveness is really average only.

— end of his comment — (His FB post in Mandarin right below for reference)

Funny but has good logic

As funny as his comments are, it has a basic logic to it. By the way, chicken rice is a much better gauge versus char koay teow because chicken rice will sell a lot more plates everyday. Some people can eat it daily but char koay teow is just too heaty to eat daily and many may also not want to eat it during lunch or a hot day etc. Chicken rice is suitable for lunch, dinner and in Penang, I have seen many eat it for breakfast too. Happy using this logic when you are looking for a property. (more applicable in Penang yeah)

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