Job security. Is our job secure for the future?
How many of us could say with confidence that if my company treats me badly, I will resign and I could secure a similar job within 30-60 days? Congratulations to you if you are very confident with this answer. It meant that your job may be needed by many companies currently. Let’s look at what’s happening in an advanced economy as our ‘crystal ball’ guide into the future?
Below are the jobs in the U.S. (as per this awesome site, which is declining very fast and the number of people needed would continue to reduce as we can see from the image. Many of the jobs are similar to what we have here in Malaysia too. Yes, a telephone operator earns over US$3,000 (RM12,500) per month in the U.S. today.
Do we still have our current job 10 years later?
Would our job still be around 10 years later? If yes, would there be changes which we need to do? If no, then how do we start pivoting towards another job which is more secure versus this current one which is declining and my be obsolete 10 years later? Do we need to learn new things? Do we need to study for new qualifications? No job is secure forever these days.
Of course, another way is to ensure we start building new income streams too. What we need to bear in mind is that if we could turn our job into a flourishing career (usually with a big fat salary), then the second income stream is less necessary.
Remember to invest a big part of the salary yeah. If our lifestyle changes into more expensive stuffs because we have more money, then we are back to square one. Nothing can save us, not a career nor a few income streams.
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