The 6Cs for JRK Convena
[Paid Review] Every time someone tells me about Transit Oriented Development aka as TOD, I would smile. I told them that both my wife and I are not really public transport users. She prefers to send the kids to school by driving because it’s very close to our home and taking the public transport may be even more inconvenient. Just need to remember this though, TODs are a necessity in many advanced countries.
I explain very briefly why this will be so in future if not yet happening today.
How many cars could a city absorb? (no matter how big the city is…)
Can a city continue to absorb more cars every year? In Malaysia specifically, that’s easily 300,000 new cars just within the Klang Valley yearly? (Malaysians buy over 600,000 new cars yearly. I assume half of it would be within the Klang Valley) Total active cars in the whole Malaysia is estimated to be 20 million cars and let’s just put half of it within the Klang Valley and that’s 10 million cars plus 300,000 new cars yearly…
The city council will be forced to do something about it
When congestion comes to boiling point, the next step is to reduce it. For example, fees will be levied for drivers who drive into the city. Tolls lah, just look at the country down south to know what may come. Wrong turning inside the city centre? Get charged. Another wrong turn? Another charge.
Parking fees will be increased because space is going to be limited. It’s just a question of demand and supply. The more demand and the lower the supply, the higher the price. Basic economics yeah. In fact, it can be so high that when we drive, a double digit portion of our salary is given to the parking operator every month.
And more…..
It would not happen so soon yeah
I also hope that it would happen so soon. So, perhaps it can just be another thing we need to balance when we buy our next property too. That convenience of having a public transport station nearby is certainly a fixed deposit for the future. (Low returns but over time is still a big amount of money and it’s a never ending thing yeah)
Do not buy JRK Convena simply because it is a TOD
JRK Convena is a Transit-Oriented-Development (TOD). However, let’s look at it from a wider angle yeah. Buying a project because of one reason is not too clever even if the TOD is right above a station or right next to it. I suggest looking at the 6Cs as follows.
#1 – Comfortable to own
As someone who has purchased from both new and secondary markets and also owning high-rise units in 6 cities and towns in Malaysia, I have learnt that when it comes to renovation, it takes a lot of time and effort and may cause a lot of stress too. I think JRK Convena knows this as well and thus some of the units will be semi-furnished with air-conditioners, kitchen cabinet with hood and hob and wardrobe by Signature Kitchen.
Beyond this comfort, JRK Convena is also a low-density development too. There are just a total of 332 units. Buyer also get to enjoy more than 25 facilities which are available to all buyers too.

#2 – Confirmed yours forever (if you like)
Freehold property is where the buyer owns the land which the property is built on. Leasehold property is a property which was build on a leased land. The owner can occupy the property as long as the lease is still valid. Usually the lease is 99 years. Freehold is thus forever. Freehold properties are usually more sought after than leasehold ones. JRK Convena has a freehold status.
Usually any transactions involving a freehold property would take a much shorter time versus leasehold properties too. So this can be something useful in the future when one intends to sell the property and go for their next dream home. Remember, our dream home will continue changing and we must not be waiting for the perfect property because it does not exist.

#3 – Commuting ease.
If we have access to just one LRT station, in this case the Muhibbah LRT Station (LRT Sri Petaling Line), we have access to anywhere we want to go. Whether it’s to PJ, KL city centre and all the way to even the KLIA. There are no traffic jams when we are riding in an LRT train. I think we would have also noticed that every new office building or new malls that has been completed for the past few years or the ones which are being built are all connected to some stations. Great news. You have access to all of them and the future ones too.
#4 – Convenience is beyond just malls
When we buy into a neighbourhood which is already matured, we will get many convenience which we could not from newer neighbourhoods. These include malls like The Pavillion Bukit Jalil, supermarkets for our groceries, relaxing places like the Bukit Jalil park and even golf courses to de-stress after many days of working hard. These include the Bukit Jalil golf course and the Kinrara golf course.
For owners with children, schools are important and Bukit Jalil is a matured neighbourhood. One does not need to wait for that school to be built. Choices include primary schools to secondary schools and even international schools. For parents preferring their children to be enrolled in SJK ©, there are also 2 nearby too.
Last but not least would be private hospitals too. I hope we do not go there too often but it’s a short drive away when we need one.

#5 – Connectivity diversity
I am not about to give up driving in the near future and I also hope you are not as well. Not so soon anyway. Just look at the country where everyone says ‘wah so well connected…’ Tell me then why do people still bid like crazy just to get that opportunity to buy a car then?
When we buy a property, check out the expressways which is easily accessible to you. For JRK Convena buyers, here are they: (just need to look for ‘expressway’ and ‘lebuhraya’ word in the image below and you will realize that it’s a pretty well connected place.

#6 – Couples and young executives too
The sizes are friendly to couples and even to couples expecting to have a small family too. If we look at just the size, even young executives may find the size to be suitable too. JRK Convena offers the appropriately sized units and friendly layouts too. By the way, when it comes to high-rise, layouts are important. The first impression should be that the unit looks spacious, practical and functional and if we take a look at the videos of JRK Convena, I think we can see that as well.
Buying a property is not a short-term decision. Just need to know that with the ever increasing population and the never ending inflation, a property will always be a good hedge against inflation. This has been demonstrated in the pricing for all types of properties in Malaysia as per NAPIC’s data below:

Source: NAPIC
Happy deciding and all the best whether this is your first dream home or an upgrade.
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